All TMLA members are welcome to attend committee meetings. Please let the chair know you are coming. Joining a committee is as simple as contacting the chair and asking – we would love to have you!
TMLA Board, Officers, and Committees use the following documents as a guide in their work:
Cass County, Minnesota
A Guide for Protecting and Enhancing Ten Mile Lake’s Environment
Years 2016 to 2066
TMLA LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Goals, Objectives, Priorities and Strategies 2019-2021
Judy Seward, Chair
- Recruit and support volunteers to keep the roadsides around 10 Mile picked up and clear of trash.
- Get the yellow bags and vests from the Highway Department that can be used by the volunteers and be sure the volunteers know they are available both from the committee head and the Canister Site.
- Organize the volunteers so that we cover the roads around the lake except for 371.
- Contact the volunteers each spring to discuss whether they want to continue and which section of road they will be responsible for.
- Be sure all sections of road are covered. Some volunteers don’t want their names listed but nevertheless cover certain sections of road.
- Keep an eye on the roadsides.
- Thank the volunteers for their service in the fall.
Karin Arsan, Chair
- Follow up on review of Long-Range Lake Management Plan.
- Respond to the President and the Board of Directors to meet, discuss and provide advice on issues that do not fall into the portfolios of other TMLA committees, or that occur when the full board is unable to meet
- Pro-active leadership of the recent past Association President and the participation and support of the Association’s living past Presidents.
Bob Iversen, Chair
- Prevent the introduction of any Aquatic Invasive Species into Ten Mile Lake.
- Complete the study of the current year’s I-LIDS data underway to judge performance and identify recommendations for future use.
- Continue education of TML users and the inspection of watercraft and trailers before they enter Ten Mile Lake.
- Work with Cass County to initiate AIS inspections early in the open water fishing season.
- Coordinate with Lake Service Providers: re decontamination stations, permit requirements, etc.
- Identify, categorize and evaluate all public access sites on TML
- Coordinate with the Association of Cass County Lakes, Cass County ESD, MN Lakes and Rivers and MN COLA on AIS prevention and education efforts
- Continue to financially support the Minnesota AIS Research Center
- Stay abreast of AIS prevention strategies in other Minnesota counties
Allison Hackenmiller, Chair
- Enhance and expand communication to our members from the Association Board and Committees and among and between our individual members.
- Be responsible for information, communication, and technology development issues for the TMLA Board and membership. Standing Members of the Committee shall include the Vice President of the Association, the chairs of the Newsletter and Website committees, and the Membership Coordinator. Other members shall be drawn from the membership of the TMLA whose interest and expertise enhance our work.
- Oversight includes but is not limited to: Email Updates, Email Alerts, TMLA Newsletter, TMLA Website, TMLA Email Address, TMLA Directory, and Social Media.
- Create effective and useful communication media that enhance the membership’s understanding of and connection with the Association.
- Review all media to ascertain their effectiveness.
- Explore ways to enhance current media through new content or delivery.
- Create ways for membership feedback and participation in our media.
- Explore new and more effective media to enhance communication and connection with members
- Explore on-line strategies for payment of dues and other payments.
- Review other lake association communication methods for models and protocols.
- Create ways for membership feedback and participation in our media.
- Manage all communication media so that privacy and appropriate use are ensured.
- Create protocols for each communication media.
- Post protocols on website.
- Designate the responsible person for oversight for each communication media.
- Succession planning for committee chairs and members
Andy Biebl, Chair
- Take an active role in Shoreline Restoration and Preservation Project.
- Stewardship of TMLA-owned land/lakeshore tracts including follow up on Minnesota Land Trust monitoring of Conservation Easements on TMLA-owned lands and assist with monitoring process.
- Develop a plan to promote acquisition and/or protection of additional properties.
- Monitor esthetics and timelines of new developments, including local road upgrades, and conformity with County Guidelines.
- Monitor second and third tier property development issues and possibilities on Ten Mile Lake.
- Develop outreach/liaisons with other organizations that share TMLA’s goals, such as the Association of Cass County Lakes, Northern Waters Land Trust, the Minnesota Waters/Conservation Minnesota, the Trust for Public Lands, the Nature Conservancy, the Minnesota Land Trust, the Cass County Environmental Services Department and the Chippewa National Forest Advisory Committee.
- Keep abreast of pertinent new, and/or possible impending regulations including the state’s Shoreland Management Rules proposals (including dock restrictions) being developed under the auspices of the DNR re: Clean Waters Initiative; the new Cass County shoreland management ordinances; the Cass County Intralake Reclassification program; and Controlled and Multi-ownership Lake Access lots.
- Attend Environmental Services Department’s citizens’ advisory committee meetings.
- Develop timely Issues Summaries and Symposiums for TMLA members.
Bruce Carlson, Chair
- Continue lake water monitoring.
- Continue well water testing.
- Monitor aquatic vegetation for significant changes.
- Develop baseline data on shoreline vegetation from aerial photographs.
- Improve wastewater management for residences along lakeshore and within lakeshed.
- Monitor the lake for exotic species.
- Work toward continued improvement in lakeshore management practices.
- Stimulate reduction in the use of lead fishing sinkers.
- Continue cataloging existing flora and fauna in and around the lake.
- Organize and catalogue data about the lake and its lakeshed already collected.
- Publicize work of E & E Committee and explain future studies to TMLA members
- Continued hands-on volunteer involvement.
- Protection of Ten Mile interests if we discover contamination.
- Strategy for testing for arsenic and other metals
- Increased reporting of observed changes by lakeshore residents.
- Quantification of the degree of change of existing vegetation sites.
- Identification of volunteers for collecting data for Bio Base vegetation mapping.
- Investigation of options other than septic systems for wastewater disposal.
- Implementation of intralake zoning recommendations.
- Reduction in the use of phosphorus-containing fertilizers and soaps around the lake.
- More lakeshore residents willing to upgrade shoreline habitat.
- Increased attendance at workshops and demonstrations.
- Funding for multiple projects.
- Photographic analysis.
- Database management and archiving.
- Continue lake water monitoring and well water testing
- Continue swimmer’s itch survey and monitoring mystery snail spread
- Improve wastewater management for residents along lake and within watershed
- Monitor lake for exotic species
- Continue cataloging existing flora and fauna in and around lake
- Organize and catalogue existing data about the lake and its lake shed
- Work with state agencies on Sentinel Lakes program
- Publicize work of E & E Committee and explain future studies to TMLA residents
- Continue monitoring vegetation density
- Work with BioBase program on map of bottom composition of lake
- Continue septic system upgrade and monitoring program
- Work with Cass County on obtaining external funds and other resources for our programs
- Continuing hands-on volunteer involvement
- Increase reporting on any relevant environmental changes or events
- Identification of volunteers to make annual BioBase vegetation surveys
- Monitoring spread of agricultural practices that can lead to increased nitrates in ground water
- Convincing more lakeshore residents to upgrade shoreline habitat
- Quantification methods for identifying degree of change of existing vegetation around lake
- External funding for next round of septic system inspection, increased participation in septic system upgrading program
Roxy Moon, Chair
This committee advises the board on the financial affairs of TMLA. This includes, but is not limited to, financial policies, banking, investments, accounting, and financial systems and controls.
Steve Helscher, Chair
- Preserve the stocking of walleye fingerlings.
- Maintain and monitor the 24” – 36” slot on Northern Pike.
- Continue our positive relationship with the DNR staff in Walker.
- Encourage the DNR to continue the TMLA gill and trap net survey of different fish species.
- Provide labor needed to release walleye fingerlings at the public access.
- Meet with local and state DNR officials to discuss TMLA needs and concerns regarding the TML fishery.
- Support the lake water sampling protocols of the TMLA Environment and Ecology Committee.
Steve Erickson, Chair
- Monitor, review, distribute, and report on legislative issues related to lake quality, environmental stewardship and any other issues consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Ten Mile Lake Association (“TMLA”).
- Engage and report on federal, state, county or local organizations and officials, as well as on private or quasi-public volunteer organizations where their activities and/or policies may impact the Ten Mile Lake water quality or the surrounding environment.
- Create, with the help of the Communication and Technology Committee, a system whereby we receive information, announcements, alerts or questions from other associations and organizations with purposes comparable with and similar to those of the TMLA (e.g., Minnesota Lakes and Rivers, Association of Cass County Lakes, Leech Lake Watershed Foundation, and similar groups); review issues for relevance and significance, forward those issues determined to be important to the TMLA membership; offer suggestions, where appropriate, for members’ action on those issues; and follow up on the results.
- Meet with legislators and local officials or others with involvement, influence and authority—within our geographic area--to overview matters of relevance to the quality of life, environmental integrity and ecological sustainability of Ten Mile Lake and its immediate surrounding area.
- Solicit ideas, information, reactions, concerns and issues from the TMLA officers, board of directors, committee chairs and members as a whole in response to the materials distributed to them and asking for further legislative or regulatory matters deserving LAC attention.
Marty McCleery, Chair
In 2002 The Ten Mile Lake Association (TMLA) Board of Directors established the Healthy Lakes Committee with funding and guidance from the Minnesota Initiative Foundation for the purpose of encouraging and supporting the Association in its development of both short and long-range lake management plans.
The purpose of the TMLA Lake Management Plan (LMP, or short-range plan) is to support the TMLA Long Range Management Plan (LRMP) goals, objectives and strategies for the 50-year period, 2016-2066. These goals, objectives and priorities are identified in the TMLA LRMP initially approved by the Board of Directors in July 13, 2002, updated at the Association’s July 17, 2017 Annual Meeting and subsequently amended by the Board of Directors. The TMLA Healthy Lakes Committee has prepared the short-range, or 3-year Lake Management Plan for TMLA Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs and other volunteers and designated representatives to manage activities relevant to their 2019 to 2021 goals, objectives and strategies.
TMLA LMP (short-range plan) is for the period 2019 to 2021. It applies to Ten Mile Lake and its watershed and to all aerial, surface and subsurface features and activities that impact Ten Mile Lake water quality. The following are the Goals, Objectives and Strategies for the Healthy Lakes Committee.
LRMP Goals, Objective, & Strategies
- Establish and maintain a Ten Mile Lake Repository Collect and analyze important data and information annually. Archiving of TMLA information electronically on the web and external hard drive for Officer, Board and Chairmen use. Work with the History Committee to inventory/scan records of the Archive files in the Union Church, maintain an index to the information and provide electronic copy for TMLA Repository and web.
- Examine and update the three-year TMLA Lake Management Plan’s annually. Compare data with historical norms, determine trends, and modify the management plan as needed. Prioritize goals, objectives and strategies, engaging directors, officers, committee chairs and key volunteers. Help define each committee specific charge (or charges) and clearly define committee responsibilities.
- At Board meetings encourage the Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs of TMLA to perform an annual assessment/update of the TML Lake Management Plan (3-year plan). Encourage TMLA Board & Committee attention to their Goals, Objectives and Strategies. Request the annual reporting of priorities, progress and success.
- Examine and update the fifty-year TMLA Long Range Management Plan every five years.
- Examine and encourage the update, as necessary, the TMLA mission, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Gifting Policy, and services.
- Continue to update the TMLA Vision to be sure we all know where we are going to protect TML.
- Encourage a “Watershed/Lakeshed” perspective by Officers, Board members, Committee’s, and membership when they view activities, goals, objectives and strategies.
- Encourage the solicitation of volunteers to carry out TMLA activities.
- Participate in review, comment, and meetings on Cass County One Watershed One Plan for Leech Lake & River Watershed 10-year plan.
- Seek grant funds and assistance to establish a Ten Mile Lake small watersheds plan. Funds are available from USEPA/MPCA focused funding program Clean Water Act 319 Program.
Sue Eikenberry, Chair
- Gather, file and catalog notable materials
- Maintain orderly files and add to the files
- Take an active part in photographing things of historic interest
- Research at the Cass County Museum, the Cass County Courthouse and in the Archives of the Walker Pilot Independent articles of interest for publication in the newsletters
- Continue selling the History Book at every opportunity, including the annual meeting
- Publish a History Page article in the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter TMLA Newsletters
- Provide a table with items of historic interest at each year's annual meeting
- Arrange for the digital scanning of valuable archival and current Ten Mile history materials
- Retain one copy of the Committee’s digital files in locked fireproof cabinets in the lower level of UCC Church in Hackensack; Access to any files may be obtained from Sue Eikenberry or Tom Cox.
Lee Sand, Chair
- Provide informational materials that encourage property owners to comply with County and State shoreline management regulations and with the TMLA effort to maintain or improve the high quality of the existing shoreline by using best management practices.
- Cooperation with DNR to study, protect and, where appropriate, create aquatic habitat.
- Continued placement of buoys to mark and maintain “No Wake Zones” to protect shorelines, desirable habitat, and to enhance boating safety.
- Provision of educational materials and programs with a focus on Jet Ski regulation and wake reduction in sensitive areas to encourage responsible boating.
- Use the Association’s Newsletter, Handbook, and web site as the principal information media, emphasizing “best management practices” and rallying support where such influence is needed.
- Circulate as necessary special advisories to the membership.
- Schedule special meetings and/or workshops as needed.
Erin Adams and Sheryl DuCharme, Co-Chairs
- See the number of surviving chicks hold steady and the number of adult loons and nesting pairs remain stable on the lake.
- Communicate and cooperate with DNR to count loons, study, protect and, where appropriate, create aquatic habitat for loons.
- Track bird populations in coordination with local birding clubs, the National Audubon Society and state, county and local representatives.
- Evaluate the threat to loons of contamination from lead shot and lead sinkers used by local hunters and anglers.
- Provide loon information in each Ten Mile Lake Newsletter, at TMLA meetings and at the Annual meeting.
- Be available for TMLA members with loon concerns and questions.
- Build and/or maintain and install and remove loon-nesting platforms.
- Install and remove “loon alert” markers.
- Discourage harassment of nesting and swimming loons and their chicks.
Diane Power, Chair
Recruit nominees and submit slates to Annual Meetings.
- Strive for equitable age, gender and geographical representation among Association Officers and Board Members.
John Crabb, Chair
- Continued cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), to monitor, record and track the water level in Ten Mile Lake by means of biweekly water level readings.
- Support efforts to mitigate high or low water levels as resources and technology permit, g., reconstruction of the Birch Lake outlet structure; control of beaver populations and beaver dam construction in the Boy River.
- Use the Association’s Newsletter, Handbook, and web site as the principal information media, emphasizing “best management practices” and rallying support where such influence is needed.
The following positions are appointed by the president with the consent of the board:
IT Specialist, Membership Coordinator and Newsletter Editor, which are part of the Communication and Technology Committee; and Youth Watercraft Training, which is part of the Lake Safety Committee.